
Showing posts with the label Poetry


Zakat for needy person

مشہور شاعر ساحر لدھیانوی نے کہا تھا!

خون اپنا ہو یا پرایا ہو نسلِ آدم کا خون ہے آخر جنگ مشرق میں ہو کہ مغرب میں امنِ عالم کا خون ہے آخر بم گھروں پر گریں کہ سرحد پر روحِ تعمیر زخم کھاتی ہے کھیت اپنے جلیں کہ اوروں کے زیست فاقوں سے تلملاتی ہے ٹینک آگے بڑھیں کہ پیچھے ہٹیں کوکھ دھرتی کی بانجھ ہوتی ہے فتح کا جشن ہو کہ ہار کا سوگ زندگی میتوں پہ روتی ہے جنگ تو خود ایک مسئلہ ہے جنگ کیا مسئلوں کا حل دے گی

Malicious Mind Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

MALICIOUS MIND It is not good to relieve your dirty shoes outside the temple and carry your malicious mind, into it. Rather, it is better, to carry clear conscience, in the temple, to earn approval, of Bhagwan. Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

Dedicated To the Magnificent Morning Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

DEDICATED TO THE MAGNIFICENT MORNING Dedicated; to the   innocent women, who was humiliated by a chamberlain of her home, to the farmer, who is being exploited daily, by his landlord, to the laborer, whose rights are encroached, by an exploiting industrialist, to the naked children, who, sitting aside avenue, are begging for bread, to the wayfarers who were waylaid, in broad daylight, to the all oppressed people of the world, whose voice, despite having strong strength, goes unheard, to the thought, that would plead for the helpless humanity, and to the magnificent morning that would one day certainly dawn. Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

Festival Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

FESTIVAL Love, amity and approval, festivals and Dewali, enliven life. Christmas, Holee and the Valentine, All these days be celebrated. But, Sonami, floods and earthquakes, hunger, unemployment and ailment, also be kept in mind. On Dewali an earthen lamp of love be lit, on Christmas songs of sacrifice be sung, on Holee colors   of affection be sprinkled, on Valentine day roses be bestowed. All these festivities be celebrated together. But, a few moments be spared for the poor people, whose festivals pass uncelebrated. Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

What to do of them? Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

WHAT TO DO OF THEM? Love, affection and beauty, revelries, comforts and luxuries, all are sources of enjoyment. Indigence, poverty and pauperness, hunger, misery and unemployment, all these are calamities. Bony skeletal, untreated sick souls, and    undressed kids, are all realities. Your fascination and fidelity, elegance and affection are spellbindingly attractive. But, o beloved! there are bony skeletal, bare bodied children, miserable mothers, and uncured poor patients! what to do of them ? Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

Beloved’s Bond Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

BELOVED’S BOND Ligature of love, is like a thin thread, it is soft and soothing, like a flower. Beloved’s bond, is like a shade, it comforts soul, like a breezy breath. My love’s affection, is like an ocean, it is pure and pretty, like SINDH. Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

Uncertainty Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

UNCERTAINTY Nobody knows, when, in this city, without provocation, from unholy hands, of a savage sniper, an innocent person, may bear a bullet, to perturb peace, of the city. Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

A Wishful Thinking Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

A WISHFUL THINKING On the festival of Shive, beside seashore, in the temple of Shanker , by offering many mounds of milk, you think wishfully that, Bhagwan will be pleased with you. Is Shanker so selfish, to let his creatures’ , stomachs empty, for appeasement of , his hunger ? Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

A Sapling of Love Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

A SAPLING OF LOVE If you which to let, the sapling of love, grow green, keep it always, irrigating with, sweet water of love. Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

Offering Organs Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

OFFERING ORGANS She was a daughter, of some miserable mother, while dying, saved lives of two dying persons, and endowed sight, to two young persons. by donating her life, she lay eternal rest; thus immortalized humanity, and held its head high. Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

Servitude Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

SERVITUDE Yes sir! I am in attendance, sire! I am at your command, my lord! if you once learn, saying so, your conscience will slumber, and your fortune will wake-up. Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

The Strangers Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

THE STRANGERS These flowers are ours, these gardens are ours, this earth is ours, and motherland is ours, even then, we have neither any home, nor a shelter to live in, it looks as if, we were strangers, in our own homeland! Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

First May! Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

FIRST MAY! It is a desire to overstep the poverty line. It is a wish, to fill the hell of hunger, with a loaf of bread. It is a dream, to cover up bare bodies of naked men. it is a yearning for, restoration of health, of the helpless children. it is a flutter, for elimination of an uneven and discriminatory dispensation. A struggle for achieving the all, is First May! First May! Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

Sterility Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

STERILITY Her eyes were wet, her face was faded, and her heart was hurt, because, she was childless. I asked her, do you have got your, checkup done? She said “yes” I advised her, for checkup of, both wife and husband. She replied “my husband is not willing for test” I posed a question to myself, does infertility not occur in men? Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

Women and Wisdom Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

WOMEN AND WISDOM As a myth goes, “women’s wisdom lies in her heel”, if it is so, what about these women, like, Mai bhakhtawar Motia Choudhary Laila khalid Jamila Boopasha Zoya ana-Toliya Nighoen Thi Chao ? Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

A Free Man Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

A FREE MAN I am not a bull, wearing leathern goggles, to whirl around a well, I am not a 16 th century’s slave, to act as an oarsman, in a slave ship, I am not a benighted bride, sold for marriage, in return of money, I am not a serf, held hostage with family, to work on a feudal lord ’s farm, I am not a listless laborer, to work day and night, in an industry, of a capitalist, I am not even ascetic Gotum, to remain recluse from mundane matters.   I am quite conscious of my problems and rights, I am a free man!! I am a free man!! Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

Action is Life Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

ACTION IS LIFE Inaction is an emblem of death, and action is life, stillness and stagnation in thought, is a demise of development, to keep on moving, is a step towards destination. In fact, love is the truth, hatred is an arrant lie. Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

The Price Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

THE PRICE Every influential individual, every leader, and every person in power, bears a tag of price. If, he does not, receive it, he makes hue and cry, and shouts a nonsense. When received, in a wink of eye, and in a jiffy, he alters his stand, and to him everything starts looking okay. In sooth! every powerful person has hung a tag of his worth! Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali

The Worth of Man Poetry by Murlidhar Translated by Jam Jamali

THE WORTH OF MAN The worth of man, appears to be, a single bullet, as if a dog killing drive were launched by the municipality. Poetry by:              Murlidhar Translated by:     Jam Jamali