
Showing posts with the label General Knowledge


Zakat for needy person

Very important information about Zakat

  زکوٰۃ کے متعلق انتہائی اہم معلومات ‎زکوٰۃ کے متعلق انتہائی اہم معلومات آور ہر طبقے مثلا عام لوگ، تاجر، زمیندار اور جانور پالنے والوں کے لئے ‎خود بھی پڑھیں اور دوسروں تک پہنچانے کا فرض ادا کریں۔ جزاک الله۔ ایک لاکھ پر -/2500 دو لاکھ پر   -/5000 تین لاکھ پر -/7500 چار لاکھ پر  -/10000 پانچ لاکھ پر-/12500 چھ لاکھ پر -/15000 سات لاکھ پر-/17500 آٹھ لاکھ پر-/20000 نو لاکھ پر-/22500 دس لاکھ پر-/25000 بیس لاکھ پر-/50000 تیس لاکھ پر-/75000 چالیس لاکھ پر-/100000 پچاس لاکھ پر-/125000 ایک کروڑ پر-/250000 دو کروڑ پر-/500000 ‎ہم زکوٰۃ کیسے ادا کریں؟ ‎اکثرمسلمان رمضان المبارک میں زکاة ادا کرتے ہیں اس لیے ‎الله کی توفیق سے یہ تحریر پڑھنے کے بعد آپ اس قابل ہوجائیں گےکہ آپ جان سکیں ‎🔹سونا چاندی ‎🔸زمین کی پیداوار ‎🔹مال تجارت ‎🔸جانور ‎🔹پلاٹ ‎🔸کرایہ پر دیے گئے مکان ‎🔹گاڑیوں اوردکان وغیرہ کی زکاۃ کیسے اداکی جاتی ہے۔ 1۔ زکوٰۃکا انکار کرنے والاکافر ہے۔ (حم السجدۃآیت نمبر 6-7) ‎2۔ زکوٰۃ ادا نہ کرنے والے کو قیامت کے دن سخت عذاب دیا جائےگا۔(التوبہ34-35) 3۔ زکوٰۃ ادا نہ کرنے والی قوم ق...

Narwhals "unicorns of the sea"

  Narwhals, also known as the "unicorns of the sea," are unique marine creatures found in Arctic waters around Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia.  They have a mottled grey and white appearance, lacking a dorsal fin, and a long, spiral tusk that can grow up to 3 meters long.  Their diet mainly consists of fish like cod, halibut, shrimp, and squid. Narwhals are known for their deep diving abilities, reaching depths of up to 2,370 meters.  They communicate using clicks, whistles, and knocks. Narwhals are crucial to the Arctic ecosystem. Digital  Sindh Smart People

Interviewing the Boss instead of feeling Nervous 😄

  Remember, whether you're the interviewer or the interviewee, the goal is to find the right fit. Interviewing the boss instead of feeling nervous is quite an unconventional approach, but it can be an interesting way to turn the tables during a job interview! 😄  Here are a few thoughts on what that experience might be like: The Boss's Surprise: Imagine the boss sitting across from you, expecting to ask the usual interview questions. Instead, you confidently lean forward and say, "Let's start with your strengths and weaknesses.  How do you handle stress, and what's your management style?"  The boss blinks, taken aback, but decides to play along. After all, they're curious to see where this goes. Reverse Roles: You proceed to ask questions that would stump most interviewees. "Tell me about a time when you had to mediate a conflict between team members," you say, leaning back in your chair. The boss shifts uncomfortably, realizing they're now i...

How to get job in artificial intelligence (AI) field?

  To secure a job in the AI field, follow these steps: Earn a Degree: To secure a job in artificial intelligence (AI), one must first earn a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. Alternatively, a postgraduate degree can enhance qualifications.  Build Practical AI Skills: Building practical AI skills involves taking courses related to AI, gaining experience through technology clubs or internships with AI-developing companies, and applying for entry-level AI positions.  Remember  The specific path to an AI job may vary based on the job type, expertise level, and industry interest. It's essential to stay curious and explore opportunities to gain practical experience in AI. Digital  Sindh Smart People

Climate Change - Solutions and Innovations 🌍🌱

  Climate change is a pressing global challenge, and innovative solutions are crucial for mitigating its impact. 🌍🌱 Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Climate Adaptation: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used to develop sophisticated weather and climate models, such as integrating sea surface temperature data into ocean models. AI-driven smart sewer systems can prevent flooding during heavy rainfall, and AI-driven drought-resistant crop management can improve agricultural resilience.  Drones for Climate Adaptation: Drones, equipped with advanced cameras, play a critical role in climate adaptation by collecting visual data on climate risks and impacts, such as monitoring water sources and identifying affected communities in hard-to-reach areas.  Earth Observation (EO) for Climate Adaptation: Earth Observation (EO) uses satellites and remote-sensing technology to gather information about Earth changes, helping organisations assess climate risks, monitor deforestat...

Happy Mother's Day 2024 🌸🌼🌺

Celebrating the most important woman in my life. Mother's Day is a global celebration honoring mothers and their influence in society.  Originating in the early 20th century, it began in the United States with Anna Jarvis organizing the first service at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton, West Virginia, which now serves as the International Mother's Day Shrine.  Jarvis's campaign to make Mother's Day a recognized holiday began in 1905, the year her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, passed away.  Interestingly, 40 years before it became an official holiday, another peace activist and suffragist, Julia Ward Howe, had already made her Mother's Day Proclamation in 1870. The American version of Mother's Day has faced criticism for becoming too commercialized, but it was never her original intention.  In response, Constance Adelaide Smith advocated for Mothering Sunday as a broader commemoration of motherhood in other English-speaking parts of the world.  Mother...

1st May, Labour Day

  Labour Day , also known as International Workers' Day or simply May Day , is a celebration that honors the contributions of laborers and the working classes. Let's explore its origins and significance: 1. Historical Context : - On May 1, 1886 , a significant event occurred in the United States: a general strike advocating for the eight-hour workday began. This movement led to the Haymarket affair in Chicago, where police clashed with workers during a public assembly. Several officers and civilians lost their lives. As a result, hundreds of labor leaders were arrested, and four were executed by hanging. This event marked the annual observance of International Workers' Day . - The eight-hour day movement aimed for a balanced division of time: eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest . 2. Global Observance : - May 1st is a national public holiday in many countries, celebrated as International Workers' Day or a simila...

Earth Day 2024

  Earth Day , celebrated annually on April 22, is a global event that promotes environmental protection. Originating in 1970, it has evolved into the largest civic movement globally, mobilizing over 1 billion people across 192 countries to protect our planet and advocate for a brighter future.  This year's theme is "Planet vs. Plastics," with EARTHDAY.ORG demanding a 60% reduction in plastic production by 2040.  The focus is on raising awareness about the health risks posed by plastics, phasing out single-use plastics, advocating for a strong UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution, and ending fast fashion. On Earth Day 2024, governments and NGOs will gather in Ottawa to negotiate the terms of the United Nations Global Plastic Treaty. Addressing plastics collectively is crucial to addressing the health risks to life on Earth. Climate education plays a crucial role in combating the climate crisis, promoting environmental literacy and civic engagement.  Individuals, busines...

The bed, A sanctuary of rest and comfort 🛌✨

 **یقینی طور پر!**  بستر، آرام اور راحت کی پناہ گاہ، دن بھر کی مشقت کے بعد ہمارے تھکے ہوئے جسموں کو پالتا ہے۔ یہ میٹھے خوابوں اور مہلت کے وعدوں کو سرگوشی کرتا ہے۔ 🛌✨ پرسکون گھنٹوں میں، یہ ہماری امیدوں، خوفوں اور الجھے ہوئے خیالات کے لیے ایک برتن بن جاتا ہے۔ اس کی چادروں کی نرمی ہمیں گلے لگاتی ہے، ہمیں دنیا کی افراتفری سے بچاتی ہے۔ تکیے، وفادار ساتھیوں کی طرح، ہمارے سروں کو پالتے ہیں، ہمارے سرگوشیوں کو جذب کرتے ہیں۔ اور اوہ، وہ خواب جو اس کے کینوس پر آشکار ہوتے ہیں! ہم نامعلوم دائروں سے گزرتے ہیں، سائے کے ساتھ رقص کرتے ہیں، اور لمحاتی یادوں کا پیچھا کرتے ہیں۔ بستر ایک پورٹل بن جاتا ہے، شعور اور ایتھریل کے درمیان ایک پل۔ تو ہاں، پیارے دوست، بستر محض فرنیچر سے کہیں زیادہ ہے۔ یہ تسکین کا برتن ہے، ہماری رات کی آوارہ گردی کے لیے ایک کینوس ہے، اور ہمارے اندر کی موسیقی کا خاموش گواہ ہے۔ 🌙💤 Digital  Sindh Smart People