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Physics Question and Answers for Students

Q 1:- What are you doing with Vernier Callipers?
Answer:- I am going to find volume of a solid cylinder and capacity of a tube with Vernier Callipers.

Q 2:- Why it is called Vernier Callipers?
Answer:- It was invented by Piere Vernier, that’s why it is called Vernier Callipers.

Q 3:- How many Scales are there in a Vernier Callipers?
Answer:- There are two scales in Vernier Callipers:
i)                    Main Scale
ii)                  Vernier Scale

Q 4:- What are the units of these scales?
Answer:- The unit of “main scale” is mm while vernier scale has no unit.

Q 5:- What is the relation between main scale and vernier scale?
Answer:- 10 divisions of vernier scale = 9 mm of main scale.
20 divisions of vernier scale = 39 mm of main scale.

Q 6:- What is the use of lower jaws of vernier calipers?
Answer:- Lower jaws are used to find thickness, length, external diameter etc.

Q 7:- What is the use of upper jaws?
Answer:- Upper jaws are used to find internal diameter, internal width etc.

Q 8:- What is the use of the depth gauge (sliding strip) of vernier callipers?
Answer:- it is used to find the depth of a tube or cylinder.

Q 9:- What do you mean by least count?
Answer:- The smallest measurement that can be made by an instrument is called its least count.

Q 10:- What is the least count of a vernier callipers?
Answer:- The least count of a vernier calipers is 0.1 mm for 10 divisions vernier scale and 0.05 mm for 20 divisions vernier  scale. It can be found by formula

L. C. =  

Q 11:- What do you mean by “zero error”.
Answer: If zero of main scale does not coincide with the zero of vernier scale then there is error in the instrument. This error is called “zero error”

Q 12:- Under what conditions zero error be positive and negative?
Answer: - Zero error will be positive if “zero” of vernier scale is on the right side of the “zero” of main scale and negative when “zero” of vernier scale is on the left side of the “zero” of main scale.

Q 13:-  is “zero error” added or subtracted from a reading?
Answer: “zero error” is always subtracted from a reading to obtain accurate result.

Q 14:- Why vernier calliper is given preference on an ordinary foot scale.
Answers: Least count of vernier calipers is smaller than the ordinary foot scale so its reading is more accurate.

Q 15:- What do you mean by volume?
Answer: Space occupied by a body is called its volume. Its unit is m3 or cm3 or mm3.

Q 16:- What do you mean by diameter?
Answer: The length of the line which join opposite sides of a circle and passes through the center of the circle is called its “diameter”. Its unit is m, cm or mm.

Q 17:- What do you mean by radius?
Answer:- Half of the diameter is called “radius” OR Length of the line which join center of a circle and a point on circumference of the circle is called “radius” of the circle.

Q 18:- What do you mean by “capacity of a tube”?
Answer:- The inner volume of a tube is called its capacity. Its unit is m3, cm3 or mm3.

Q 19: What are you doing with micrometer screw gauge?
Answer: I am going to find
(i)                 Volume of solid sphere
(ii)               Area of cross-section of a piece of wire with micrometer screw gauge.

Q 20:- How many meters in one micrometer?
Answer: - 1μm = 10– 6 and  1 m = 106  μm

Q 21:-             How many scales are there in a micrometer screw gauge?
Answer:           There are two scales in a micrometer screw gauge.
(i)                 Main Scale
(ii)               Circular Scale

Q 22:-              What are the units of main scale and circular scale?
Answer:           The unit of main scale is “mm” while circular scale has no unit.

Q 23:-              What is the least count of micrometer screw gauge?
Answer:           The least count of micrometer screw gauge is 0.01mm or 0.001cm

Q 24:-              What is the formula of finding least count?
Least count =  

            e.g. for 50 divisions circular scale micrometer.

                        L.C. =     = 0.01mm = 0.001cm
For 100 divisions circular scale micrometer.
                        L.C. =     = 0.01mm = 0.001cm

Q 25:-              What do you mean by “pitch” of the screw?
Answer:           Distance between two nearest threads of a screw is called its “pitch”.

Q 26:-              What do you mean by “Zero Error”?
Answer:           If “Zero” of main scale does not coincides with the “zero” of circular scale then these is error in the instrument. This error is called “Zero Error”.

Q 27:-              Under what conditions “Zero Error” be positive and negative?
Answer:           Zero error will be positive if “zero” of circular scale is below the “Zero” of main scale and negative if “zero” of circular scale is above the “zero” of main scale. “Zero error” is always subtracted from the final reading to obtain accurate result.

Q 28:-              What do you mean by “backlash error”?
Answer:           When nut or bolt becomes loose in one another, the error in the instrument is called “backlash error”.

Q 29:-              What do you mean by area of cross-section?
Answer:           Area of either side of edge portion of a wire is called its area of cross-section. Its unit is m2, cm2 or mm2. It is given by formula.
A = πr2
Where r = radius of the wire.

Q 30:-              What is the formula of finding volume of a sphere?
Answer:           Volume of a sphere can be found by formula.
V =    πr2
Where r = radius of the sphere.

Q 31:-              What are you doing with spherometer?
Answer:           I am going to find radius of curvature of a spherical surface and thickness of a glass piece with the spherometer.

Q 32:-              How many scales are there in a spherometer?
Answer:           There are two scales in a spherometer.
(i)                 Main Scale
(ii)               Circular Scale

Q 33:-              What are their units?
Answer:           The unit of main scale is mm and circular scale have no unit.

Q 34:-              Why “zero” on main scale is in the middle?
Answer:           Divisions above “zero” of main scale are for positive reading while divisions below “zero” are for negative reading.

Q 35:-              Can we measure height or depth or both with this instrument?
Answer:           We can measure both height and depth with this instrument. Only main scale reading will be positive or negative while circular scale reading will be always positive.

Q 36:-              What is the least count of spherometer?
Answer:           The least count of spherometer is 0.01mm or 0.001cm and can be found by formula.
Least count = 

Q 37:-              How can you find zero error of spherometer?
Answer:           Base plate reading or reading on a smooth horizontal surface is called its “zero error” reading.

Q 38:-              Why the instrument is called “Spherometer”?
Answer:           Because it is used to find the radius of curvature of spherical surfaces. It can also be used to find small thickness, height or depth.

Q 39:-              Why spherometer is preferred on foot scale and vernier calipers?
Answer:           Because the least count of spherometer is smaller than the least count of foot scale and vernier calipers.

Q 40:-              What do you mean by radius of curvature?
Answer:           The radius of a sphere of which the spherical surface is the part is called its radius of curvature.

Q 41:-              What do you mean by focal length?
Answer:           Half of the radius of curvature of a concave mirror is called “focal Length”. OR Distance between principle focus and pole of a concave mirror is called its “focal length”.

Q 42:-              What is the radius of curvature of a plane mirror?
Answer:           The radius of curvature of a plane mirror is infinity.

Q 43:-              What is the focal length of a plane mirror?
Answer:           The focal length of a plane mirror is infinity.

Q 44:-              What are you doing with convex lens?
Answer:           I am going to find the coal length of convex lens by no-parallax method.

Q 45:-              What do you mean by focal length of convex lens?
Answer:           Distance between optical center of a convex lens and its principal focus is called its focal length.

Q 46:-              What do you mean by principal focus?
Answer:           When parallel rays of light are incident on a convex lens, the lens converges these rays at a point called focus. If the focus is on principal axis then it is called “principal focus”.

Q 47:-              What is the other name of convex lens?
Answer:           The other name of convex lens is “converging lens” because it converges a beam of parallel rays.

Q 48:-              What do you mean by no-parallax method?
Answer:           When two bodies or an object and its image are at same distance from an eye, both bodies or object and its image move simultaneously in the same direction i.e. right or left. Thus it is said that there is no-parallax between them.

Q 49:- What do you mean by parallax?
Answer:           When there is relative shift between two bodies or an object and its image, on moving the eye side way, it is said that there is parallax between the bodies or object and its image.

Q 50:-              What do you mean by aperture?
Answer:           The open portion of the lens through which light can pass is called its “aperture”.


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