
Zakat for needy person

Letter to Sub Divisional Engineer Change of Ownership of Telephone Number (Template)

Date: 09-02-2005




The Sub Divisional Engineer,


Telephone Exchange,

Nazimabad, Karachi


Subject:           CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OF PTCL 021-300000000


Respected Sir,


It is requested to you that I am using services of PTCL for a long time please transfer my PTCL telephone number on my name. It was installed on my name during 2002 – 06, but somehow it was transferred in the name of one of my employ.


Name:                         ------------

CNIC:                           -------------

Mobile #:                     -------------

Telephone #                -------------

Email:                          -------------

Address:                      -------------- Karachi



Your attention and co-operation on the above subject would be appreciated.




Thanking you,



Xyz (your name)


Attached Copies of

1.      Copy of Old Bill on my name

2.      Copy of Current Bill (Wrong Name)

 Copy of CNIC 

Digital Sindh
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